
Peoples Museum

  Peoples Museum in Birzeit, Palestine The idea is to create a “from bottom up” museum, which represents a collection of items, histories and memories of the residents in a specific locality in Palestine. The form, the site and the collected items are decided upon through a dialogue between the … Read more

Peoples Museum Exhibition

October 2009 Peoples Museum: the exhibition After two years of preparation by Parfyme and YNKB in collaboration with Palestinian Artists Peoples Museum was opened on October the 9th 2009in Birzeit, Palestine. Untill we have an allover representation of the Peoples Museum on the website here are a few pictures of … Read more

Peoples Museum Opening Dk

  Peoples Museum opening october the 9th, 2009 Peoples Museum is an art project created by the Danish Art Groups Patfyme and YNKB in collaboration with Palestinian Artists Hosni Radwan and Haneen Masri and the citizens of Birzeit. After 2 years of preparations the Peoples Museum official opened the 9th … Read more

Magasin Launch

9 januar2009 Magazine launch A key task of this journal is to introduce the market ‘failure’ of a capitalist economy – the repressive destructive nature of a system that works for the few at the expense of the many – into the comfortable discussions on how universities might best suit … Read more


January 2009 YNKB WINDOW It all started when we hang up a t-shirt in the window with the text: Boycot Israel, as a reacion to the massacre in Gaza. The day after we recieved a mail saying this was a vulgar and undifferentiated attitude. We answered the mail by saying … Read more


  Herbs This site will be updated with new eatable herbs and recipes Click on the images to enlarge. Acorn Quercus robur Stinging Nettle Urtica urens Blackberries Rubus fruticosus Stickyweed Galium aparine Dead-nettle Lamium album Common Chickweed Stellaria media Willow-herb Empilobium angustifolium Silverweed Potentilla anserina Leaves of Raspberry Rubus idaeus … Read more

Peoples Museum Eng

Peoples Museum in Birzeit, Palestine The idea is to create a “from bottom up” museum, which represents a collection of items, histories and memories of the residents in a specific locality in Palestine. The form, the site and the collected items are decided upon through a dialogue between the local … Read more

Braennaren 2

Malmö 29 maj 2009 Brännaren 2 Postershow by YNKB(DK) & The Library of Radiant Optimism (US) Filmscreening See more: http://uteforeningen.bloggspace.se/

Weeds 2

  This page is under construction June 7, 2009 Weeds of the city We collected the following weeds from Grøndalsvænge, Copenhagen: Stinging nettles, stickyweed, Deadnettle, Common chickweed, Willow-herb, Silver weed, Elderberries, Hop, Hawthorne, Garlic mustard, Dandelion, Horse radish, Ground-elder, Daysy, Greater plantain, Wild chervil, Wild Parsnik and wild carrots. Also … Read more


December 17 – 18 2009 Recipe for a Meeting This Thursday, December 17th at 9:30 we would like to invite you to watch Recipe for a Meeting, a TV-TV program produced by YNKB in collaboration with Kajsa Dahlberg and Ilya Lipkin. The program will air on Kanal Hovedstaden. There will … Read more