Ynkbtent Kopi

9 juni – 11 november 2007

YNKB presents mixdialogue

Cinema – Mixdialogue
Mixdialogue is a co-operation project between students from the documentary filmclass in Dar Al-Kalima College, videoartist Faten Nastas, and Parfyme, YNKB and curator Iben Bentzen. All the videos in this program is produced during a stay in Bethlehem, Palestine mars 16 – 28, 2007 except “Why”, produced byFaten Nastas.
See Cinema

mixdialogue filmprogram

A derive with students from Dar Al-Kalima college class for documentary films in the syrian area of Bethlehem with cameras. The edited video was shown to the community in a “Cinema” created in the same area.
Mixdialogue production 0:25:46

The wall
The newly erected 8 meter separation wall around Bethlehem lock the city from its local countryside and Jerusalem.
Mixdialogueproduction for tv-tv

17 years
Rasan, 17 years reunite with hes family after 2 years in israely prison for throwing stones.
Mixdialogueproduction for tv-tv

Olive trees.
2000 yearr old olivetrees and antique roman pipelines was destroyed under the construction of the wall.
Mixdialogueproduction for tv-tv

Cirkus behind the wall
A Palestinian workshop circustroupe
Mixdialogueproduction for tv-tv

Interview with The Palestinian Circus School
Mixdialogue production

Aida Ismail is reading her poem “Saying” on arabic and translating and explaining it in english.
Mixdialogue production

Thhe israelys erected their headquarter in Dar Al-Kalima College during the 2002 invasion. The Video shows destructions of the place after they left.
Production Faten Nastas