November 15 2008

Art After Work: section 8

Documentation and other detritus arising from and around clandestine
interventions and unannounced performances in “reality.”
Coffee made from roots of dandelions and Belle de Boskoop
apple pie prepared and served by YNKB

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September 19-21 2008

YNKB on alt_cph: Weeds and Wild plants of the city

YNKB invites you to a walk in the neighbourhood to collect wild plants,
which we will prepare for a meal on our stand on alt_cph. The tours are
guided by biologist Nils Grøngaard.
Friday September 19, 3 pm.
Saturday, September 20, 2 pm.
Sunday, September 21, 2 pm.
Join us!
alt_cph. Fabrikken for Kunst og design. Sundholmsvej 46. Copenhagen S.
See and read more

September 2-4 2008

YNKB-reparation, Huset, Århus

The community centre Huset in Århus invited YNKB to make a reparation
workshop in Huset in cooperation with the staff members. Huset has very
excellent facilities for reparations and 44 reparations were made during
the three days

July 1 – 16 2008

Step 2 in People’s Museum, Birzeit

From the 1st to the 16th of July the Danish art groups Parfyme
and YNKB again visited Birzeit in Palestine to continue the project People’s
Museum and, together with students from the Art Academy in Ramallah (IAAP),
the Palestinian artists Majdi Hadid and Hosni Radwan and local residents,
to prepare the presentation of People’s Museum for the citizens of Birzeit at
the annual Heritage Festival in the old village of Birzeit.
The project is supported by DCCD ­ (Danish Center for Culture and Development).
Read more.
See more pictures

July 21 2008

The Signs are the Signal

Emma Hedditch in YNKB

On July 21st at 7 pm, Emma Hedditch will make a
performance/presentation inside and outside of YNKB.
Emma will show materials that she has collected and is
working with around questions of homosexual identification,
from her own work and from others whose identification is
inextricable from a broader social and political concerns that
are affecting this identification. These materials will include
video and film work from the women’s film and video distribution
Cinenova, which is based in London. The performance/presentation
will also serve as a marker in the present, which acknowledges the
desire to share knowledge and support with another community,
that of the Copenhagen Queer Festival.
Coffee and tea break with cake, dicussion and conversation
Read more and see more pictures

April 29 – May 6 2008

People’s Museum

People’s Musem is a project by Danish artist groups Parfyme and YNKB
and Palestinian artist Majdi Hadid and architect Christine Alloush.
People’s Museum is situated in the old town of Birzeit, near Ramallah, Palestine
and the main partners of the project is IAAP (International Art Academy Palestine)
and the local organization Al-Rozana.
See more

April 26 – August 24 2008

YNKB on Kronborg, Elsinore

YNKB participates in collaboration with the Music House Elværket from Elsinore
and video artist Elisabetta Saiu with the videoinstallation “HOW DO WE RE-AWAKEN
HOLGER DANSKE? Will he listen to us, when no one else will listen?”
This video installation gives new Danes and immigrants living in Elsinore
the opportunity to confront Holger Danske with their hopes and dreams,
disappointments and problems – so he can come to their aid.
With his century-long history, Holger Danske is an international symbol
and he lives in many cultures with different languages, traditions and religions.
He has the same mission everywhere – he is the people’s sleeping hero.
When problems become too great, the people can try to wake Holger Danske
to new deeds of heroism, this time as the defender of the new Danes.

Sound and photo installation: Complain Grand Prix
Pictures and sounds from the Complain Grand Prix held in the music house Elværket
March 28, 2008 in Elsinore to give the new-Danes the possibility to express themselves
and their point of views on Danes and Danish culture in a musical mode.
See pictures

22 – 24 Februar 2008

Let’s remake the world III

Seminar and Workshop

This is the third event in a series initiated by the Library of Radiant Optimism
(Brett Bloom + Bonnie Fortune) and YNKB, which started in late 2006 with
The Radiantly Optimistic Poster Show! exhibited at YNKB, December 2006,
and at Messhall, Chicago, June 2007. This exhibition was followed by a
seminar in Messhall: What We Know of Our Past – What We Demand of
Our Future, January 18-20, 2008.

We are inspired by the groundswell of optimistic and visionary activities
in the late 1960s and early 1970s. We are interested in this time period
and the massive counter-cultural movement it produced in the face of
international political and social turmoil. We find ourselves in a similar
global environment of unprecedented crises, and we are wondering how
we can make visible and cohesive the currently existing activities. Is there
potential to add to the optimistic histories of past activism with our own movements?
This project seeks to not only create a discussion about the place of optimism in the
face of war, environmental devastation, and global capitalism, but to examine how
optimism can help fuel positive change in a realistic way.
See background
See program
Download background and program as PDF

January 28 2008

Art after Work III: “How much did you pay

for this plot of land?”

5 pm: Communal kitchen
7 pm: Introduction to the exhibition: “How much did you pay for
this plot of land? Land Value in Ramallah and East Jerusalem” by
Oliver Clemens and Sabine Horlitz from An Arkhitektur, Berlin.
A one dunam (1000 square meters) plot of land in the center of Ramallah
costs up to $8 million; the same plot costs $300,000 in an upper-class
residential area; near the settlement of Psagot, by contrast, a one-dunam
plot costs only $30,000, while a dunam of land inside Zone C is available
for $3,000. Through such an analysis of land value, political conditions, conflicts,
social expectations and hopes all come to the fore.
See the whole introduction.

January 28 – February 20 2008

Exhibition: “How much did you pay for this plot of land?
Land Value in Ramallah and East Jerusalem”

By Oliver Clemens and Sabine Horlitz from An Arkhitektur, Berlin.

18 – 20 January 2008

YNKB in Messhall, Chicago

*What We Know of Our Past • What We Demand of Our Future*
A three-day gathering to talk about socially engaged, political, and
critical artwork, its international iterations, history, and future.
See more

Video Window International III
18 December 2007 – 10 February 2008

Nonstop International Video Window

Politics of Silence

Still from the film:” A World Apart Within 15 Minutes” by Enas I. Muthaffar

The Politics of Silence is a screening program that showcases short
video works of 8 artists and filmmakers from Palestine. The videos are
projected throughout the night through the windows of YNKB in Copenhagen
during the months of November, December and January, the darkest months
during the year. The projections are open to the public and can be seen by any
passerby from the street. This is a program that draws its strength solely from
the image rather than the sound. The projections are silent.
The program is curated by Larissa Sansour who is a Palestinian video artist.

See more