16 september 2014
Rural Reconstruction movement in China
Crisis Mirror and YNKB are pleased to invite you to attend a talk about the Rural Reconstruction
movement and the Chinese land distribution system and the protests, conflicts and negotiations
it generates in contemporary China by the Chinese editor, artist, curator, thinker and activist Ou Ning.
Over the past 10 years Ou Ning has done research on urban and rural relations and processes
in China. Ou Ning questions and critiques the urbanization haze flowing through most of China’s
urban and rural areas, carrying with it extensive and serious consequences for China’s rural areas.
Ou Ning will use different examples from the rural reconstruction movement, which he is himself
a part of through his project, Bishan Commune, in rural Anhui Province.
12 juni 2014
Distance Plan Journal Launch and performance Uncertainty Utilized
To celebrate the Copenhagen launch of Distance Plan journal, Distance Plan co-founder
Amy Howden Chapman will present the performance work ‘Uncertainty Utilized’.
The mission of The Distance Plan is to promote discussion of climate change within the arts,
encouraging cultural producers to make visible the effects of climate change and to use the
tools of art to imagine an ecologically viable future. The Distance Plan highlights climate change
as an issue of social justice and intellectual freedom and places specific emphasis on the role
arts and education institutions can play in advancing the climate justice movement. The Distance
Plan produces exhibitions, public forums, publications, and a journal.
Amy Howden Chapman is a New Zealand born artist & writer who currently lives and works in Los Angeles, USA.
9-10-11 maj 2014
Artist Run Festival
YNKB deltager i ARTIS RUN, en tre dages kunstfestival med fokus på kunstnerdrevne
udstillingssteder. For øjeblikket storblomstrer de kunstnerdrevne udstillingssteder i
København, og nye steder åbner jævnligt. Men hvad kendetegner lige præcis denne
særlige type af udstillingssteder i forhold til fx gallerier, kunsthaller og museer?
Og hvad kan de kunstnerdrevne udstillingssteder bidrage med? Det sætter festivalen Artist Run fokus på.
Fernisering Fredag d. 9 maj. Konference lørdag og søndag d. 10. – 11. maj på Overgaden Institut for Samtidskunst.
Se mere: www.artistrun.net
9 maj 2014 kl. 19
With Nails and Teeth: workshop from the free and self-organized Embros Theater visits YNKB
As part of the Artist Run Festival two artists from the workshop: “With nails and teeth for our rights”,
engaged at the free and self organized Embros theater in Athens, are working in YNKB during
the month of May. They intend to relate stories of displacement of people who are currently in Athens,
the visible and invisible borders they face in their journeys and daily, in city life and spaces.
In the workshop in Athens they tried to bring together different kinds of expression, exploring
the potential of the voice, the body, and writing of personal stories, weaving together an
anthropological, artistic and spatial approach. A workshop to bring joy to daily life in Athens,
as Georges Didi-Huberman writes “the survival of lightning bugs” in the darkness (“survivance des lucioles”).
While in Copenhagen, they try to feel and understand the routes people take to continue their journey
from Athens to come to Copenhagen, the “idealized” north. What are the conditions and realities of life here?
On the evening of Friday May 9th at 7 pm, narratives will crystallize in a collective performance-action
fundamentally asking what role Europe is currently playing in emergency situations – like war and poverty –
in the world today? What kind of democracy exists today in Europe?
For the rest of the month the documentation of this event will be exhibited at the storefront window of
YNKB parallel to two documentation videos of related performance-actions in Athens 2013 and 2014.
We hope to see you on May 9th and invite you to come by at any other time.
9 april 2014 kl. 18.00
I believe that rather than speak about the ‘subject’ we should speak of the
components of subjectification each working more or less on its own.
Félix Guattari, The Three Ecologies
Leaving a static subject behind to become fluid components of subjectification will bring us
to the idea of becoming plant. Through different examples we will try to get an understanding
of this idea and consider what modes of existence this might bring forth.
Please bring one of your house plants for the discussion, otherwise there will be
no discussion.
You are invited to YNKB by Arendse Krabbe
Soup will be served – bring soda, beer or wine
7 marts 2014
Suppression of Dissent
This event is an evening of art, research and discussion about the suppression
of dissent arranged by Katherine Ball.
It focuses on how dissenters (“activists”) are systematically suppressed by
the government, media and corporations. Virtual (Skype) presentations will be
made by American researcher Jules Boykoff on his book, Beyond Bullets:
Suppression of Dissent in the United States, and Kaia Sand & Garrick Imatani
about their work with the Watcher Files Project, which engages a trove of
surveillance files collected by the Portland Police Bureau on various activist groups
in the 1960s, 70s and 80s.
5pm – exhibition and soup
7pm – presentation and discussion
See: www.katherineball.com
16 november 2013 – 26 januar 2014
ZEIGEN – en audiotour gennem København
YNKB deltager i udstillingen ZEIGEN – en audiotour gennem København,
som bringer mere end 150 kunstnere sammen, alle med tilknytning til København.
Den internationalt anerkendte tyske kunstner Karin Sander har inviteret hver
enkelt til at fremstille et lydværk, en hvilken som helst form for lyd, beskrivelse,
oplæsning, musik eller hvad som helst, som kunne oversætte deres arbejde og
arbejdsproces til lyd og gøre det “synligt”. Værkerne præsenteres i Nikolaj Kunsthals
Øvre Galleri ud fra et specifikt koncept af Karin Sander: navnene på de deltagende
kunstnere er anført på væggene, og publikum kan opleve lydværkerne ved at vælge
de enkelte titler som numre i en audioguide.
For mere information, se http://www.nikolajkunsthal.dk/da/udstillinger/karin-sander
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