14 – 16 september 2012


Videofremvisninger, koncerter, oplæsninger, tegning, skulptur mm. af Marianna Bjørgheim,
Kit Carlsen, Ulrik Guldin Pedersen, Sara Willemoes Thomsen, Kim Sandra Rask og
Mathias Sæderup i YNKB fredag d.14. september kl. 17-22, lørdag d. 15. september kl. 12-16
og søndag d. 16. september kl.17-22.
Se program

4 – 31 august 2012

Extreme Crafts, Freies Museum, Berlin

YNKB deltager på udstillingen EXTREME CRAFTS, Freies Museum, Potsdamer Str. 91, Berlin
kurateret af Ulrike Solbrig, Jole Wilcke, Hilde Methi.
“The exhibition brings together current approaches in art that deal with the ethical and aesthetic
dimension of craft and its potency as an idea in art. We want to highlight different ways to bring
art and craft together to produce “a productive confusion within the normal hierarchy of cultural prestige”.
YNKB har inviteret Anja Franke med som gæst med WASTE SERVICE TEA BAR.
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11 maj – 23 juni 2012

YNKB på Visit Tingbjerg

YNKB deltager i samtidskunstfestivalen Visit Tingbjerg med neonskiltet
“Alle taler om utilpassede unge. Ingen taler om et utilpasset samfund”.
Se mere om festivalen her.

24 maj 2012

People’s Museum Book – bogreception

YNKB Baldersgade 70 st tv

Der serveres palæstinensisk mad og vi fortæller om projektet.

Den svenske kunstteoretiker og kritiker professor Gertrud Sandqvists skriver i forordet til bogen:

It might sound odd that a people such as the Palestinian, living in one of the world’s oldest cultures,
at a place where three world religions were founded, with an extremely rich history since thousands
of years would need another museum. But this is a special museum, created by a group of Danish
artists together with their Palestinian colleagues, with and for the people in one village, Birzeit, without
any specific selection principles, without any other aim than listening to some individuals and their stories,
and together with the people in the village remember the history for this specific place. It is not necessarily
a directly political project, although of course many people in the village feel a need to talk about the effects
of the Israeli occupation. There is no tendency, no propaganda. We meet the old peace-maker, listen to his
story about old christian families, and share his proverbial wisdom, we meet proud car owners, we learn
how to make really good bread in a traditional owen, but also the face book youngsters, the bar owner who
would rather like to put something up in Ramallah, and women — mainly mothers and wives.
… Hundreds of years being part of various empires, and now under a painful occupation, robbed generations
of Palestinians of their own history. To build a museum, to collect stories is a peaceful, and meaningful investment
in the future for a people. It is an act of hope.

12 maj 2012

Spis Byens Ukrudt

– men find det først

Arrangement ved Agendaforeing NordVest i samarbejde med YNKB og biolog Nils Groengaard
Karens Hus, Bispebjerg bakke 8
Tilmelding til Agendaforeing NordVest
Tlf 26538091 eller mail: 2.tom.joergensen@gmail.com

25 april 2012

Den Fælles Køkkenhave

10 – 26 februar 2012


YNKB og Morten Bencke deltager på udstillingen ARTREACH på Nikolaj Kunsthal med
projektet “Faelleshaven”.
Den Fælles Køkkenhave præsenterer et forslag til indretning af gården bag biblioteket
på Blågårdsplads til en permakulturelhave med orangeri og hønsegård.
Gårdhaven er planlagt realiseret i 2012.
Se mere her
Se også Fælleshaven

1 januar 2012


  1 januar 2012  YNKB VINDUE    YNKB ønsker alle et godt nytår 2012

YNKB ønsker alle et godt nytår 2012!